The 14 oz Performance Velour Drape is a step up from our Poly Premiere Drape. Performance Velour Drape will provide acoustic dampening as well as create a light barrier. This is very useful in rooms needing acoustic treatment as well as aesthetic treatment like a school cafeteria or gym. The ability to block light makes this very useful in an room with large windows. Every Performance Velour Drape is 100% inherently flame retardant, passing all fire codes for fabric used in doors.
A variety of colors and sizes are available. Every section of Performance Drape is 5 foot in width.
To determine how much drape is needed for a space we recommend doubling the linear feet being covered. Example would be a span of 20' would need 40' of drape, each drape is 5', therefore our 20' span needs 8 pieces of drape.
Please Select the Height and Color before adding to your shopping cart.